"On crazily rare times one will be spawned at the burnt farmstead but that is 1,000,000 to 1 chance." - is this confirmed or just figured out out of thin air?
Tyrael pl 10:26, October 25, 2011 (UTC)
Valerian PDA Conversation in Clear Sky. and with WHO?[]
Hey does anyone know whos the stalker who talked to Valerian in clear sky? and what there conversation was, i was thinking to add a quote on thoes npc's such as Valerian for example if we dont set a move on thoes army boys now, wer gona have a problem Valerian-
Scare Cr0w 17:32, October 25, 2011 (UTC)Scare Cr0w
I don't remember who. I do remember hearing a few different stalker-Valerian conversations, though. And I know that in one or two of them names were mentioned. I dunno where to find the voice files in the gamedata folder (if they even exist), though. So I guess the only way to know would be to play through the Cordon again, and memorize the names that are mentioned, or something.
Also, why is this on the Flame talk page? TheDesertFox|Talk 09:26, October 26, 2011 (UTC)
Obviously you have to play through the cordon page...i just wanted to know if there even was voice files of that Valerian conversation or the name of that rookie stalker whos i belive the right hand man of Valerian. Anyway i still got the response, yet it didnt really anwser my question.. so perhaps i should open it at new page topic.
Scare Cr0w 10:07, October 26, 2011 (UTC)Scare Cr0w
ok... so i found dialogue sound files: \S.T.A.L.K.E.R. - Clear Sky\localization\xenglish.db\sounds\characters_voice\dialogs\ however there seem to be no cordon sounds. anyway if you dont have the files i can UL them somewhere, just pm me to let me know.
Tyrael pl 18:37, October 26, 2011 (UTC)
Just for your, guys, knowledge[]
Clear Sky, due to it's latest version, has no respawn for artifacts due to one bug. But you still can see respawn working if you wait enough and do not use saves or loads (probably three or four real life hours was spend on a one location).
Also I do have one small fix for this bug (one script file with 159 lines of code), so anybody can see artifact respawn as it was intended to be by developers.
Here's my mail - aldekotan@gmail.com Cheers from Russian stalker community