The Testing workshop is a location in Zaton in S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat.
This facility is located in Zaton, under the Iron Forest anomaly. The entrance is in the far southwest corner of the area.
True to its name, it was used to test the prototype of the Gauss rifle. The prototype itself is still in the facility. There is also a train car with a solid thick slab of steel which served as a target to test the rifle's power and monitoring/control stations positioned above the testing area.
Because of the train car, one might assume that either the facility is much larger but most of it inaccessible, or that there is an underground rail network running all the way to the Jupiter factory. The Iron Forest itself was most likely an electrical substation used to power the prototype.
Call of Pripyat[]
The player will visit the Iron Forest for the first time investigating Stingray 2; a Blowout or curiosity might direct them to the facility's door, but accessing the facility itself will happen much later in the game as part of Colonel Kovalsky's quest to investigate the Gauss rifle. To open the blast door, the player must obtain the access card from Cardan. The facility itself is very small, in fact it's not even a separate level - it exists as a part of the Zaton geometry. The top level is occupied by several Zombified stalkers (including the Exoskeleton-clad variety), and the prototype itself is guarded by a Pseudogiant. Thankfully, some grenades and rare ammo can be found scattered in the control rooms, as well as on zombies themselves. At the lowest level of the facility are the Documents concerning item 62 which must be retrieved as part of the main quest.
- Three F1 grenades in a locker shortly after entering the workshop (in the alleyway with the zombies).
- 90 rounds of 9x39mm SP-6 and 120 rounds of 5.56x45mm AP; in the room to the left of the hallway with the locker.
- 120 rounds of 5.45x39mm BP; in the second room on the left of the hallway with the zombies, just past the room where the first boxes of ammo were founnd.
- An Eliminator with 60 rounds of 12x70 Buckshot; in the same location as the Monolith stash (see below)
- Documents concerning item 62; in the room with the prototype Gauss rifle.
- A Monolith stash in the large room with the testing target; it is located along the northern wall of the firing rage, behind a metallic fence, on the highest level of scaffolding. The area with the stash can be accessed through multiple ladders.
- Due to a physics bug, it might happen that the door to the facility will be open before the player even visits Pripyat. The player may explore the facility, although acquiring the documents before the intended time will cause severe issues in the game's scripts.