All right, then listen up. We got a mind to shake down a few of Beard's stalkers. It's a real cinch. Late at night, you and our guys come up to Shevchenko, and before these tourists figure out what's going down, you take ‘em for a ride. We get the dough, you get the props... Catch my drift? Alrighty then. See Knuckles standing over there? He'll give you all the details.
― Sultan
The Hit is a mission available in S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat.
This mission is offered by the Bandits leader Sultan, who can be found in the Skadovsk. It is available from the start. Sultan asks the player to help them kill stalkers aboard the Shevchenko. The player has then multiple ways of completing the mission.
Bandits' side[]
Simply speak to Knuckles who will lead the player outside the ship at 11PM, then attack the stalkers with them. Once all stalkers are killed, speak to Knuckles or the new squad leader in case Knuckles was killed during the raid to get the reward.
Alternatively, the player can go to the Shevchenko by themselves and take care of Spartacus' group on their own. The player will still get the same rewards and the mission will be completed.
Loners' side[]
Tell Grouse[]
Before talking to Knuckles, speak with Grouse, informing him of the impending raid. Grouse devises a plan to ambush the raid then advises the player to talk to Knuckles. When the raid takes place; the Stalkers are prepared and waiting. The player can find Spartacus and talk to him. He tells the player that they will ambush the raid, and when the shots are fired to open up on them from the rear. Talk to Spartacus after the raid takes place to receive the reward.
The player can also go to the Shevchenko at the schedulded time and deal with the Bandits by themselves. It is more risky, but the player is more likely to obtain more loot and weapons as Spartacus' group won't have time to loot the bandits. Spartacus will still thank the player and the mission will complete.
Tell Spartacus[]
Before talking to Knuckles inform Spartacus that his men are about to be raided by the bandits. Spartacus will ask the player to join the bandits in the raid and attack them from behind once the fighting begins. After the ambush, speak to Spartacus to get the reward.
Tip off Beard and...[]
Tell Beard about the raid before speaking to Knuckles. He will ask the player to "help plan a surprise" for the bandits.
Help the Stalkers[]
If the player chose to help Beard, he will alert the stalkers that they are being attacked. The player then needs to speak to Knuckles to start the raid. Once the bandits reach the ship, they are ambushed by the prepared stalkers. The player then needs to assist the stalkers in taking down the bandits strike team. Once that done, speak to Spartacus or whoever was promoted to squad leader if he was killed, to get the reward.
Refuse to Help[]

Knuckles' dialog when he can't find any stalkers aboard the Shevchenko
If the player chose NOT to assist the stalkers, the bandits will search the interior of the Shevchenko and not find any stalkers on board. Surprised, Knuckles will know something is up and accuse the player of snitching to the stalkers, then ask them to "empty [their] pockets...". The player can then give money to Knuckles (who will take between 75% and 100% of the player's money) and they will leave them alone, or refuse and fight them. The mission will fail, and Sultan nor Beard will not mention this mission again.
Skipping the Raid[]
It is also possible to accept the mission from Sultan and ignore it entirely. One of the side will win (most likely Knuckles and the bandits). If the stalker wins, Spartacus will continue on to the next mission; if the bandits win, Knuckles will continue on.
The mission Transaction is unlocked, although the way the mission unfolds depends on the player's actions during The Hit. Completing the mission on the Loners' side or refusing to participate will enable the player to get the mission for Beard, while completing it for the Bandits will allow Sultan to give the mission. Alternatively, if the player failed the mission or refused to intervene, it will also be available from Owl.
Bandits' side[]
- Between 1500 and 3000 RU depending on how many bandits died in the raid
- Stash location containing a Black Kite and ammunition, near the Testing Workshop
If the player did not assist the bandits in the raid, they will not receive a reward.
Stalkers side[]
If the player slightly helped the stalkers:
- Bandage x6/Medkit x2/Anti-rad x3 (randomized)
- Vodka x4
- Stash location containing a TRs 301 and ammunition below a house in Izumrudnoye
If the player helped the stalkers kill the bandits:
- Loot above
- Bandage x4
- Medkit x2
- Anti-rad x2
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