Hrm... I did see one suspicious guy very recently though. I went for a walk and on my way back I spotted a stalker leaving Yanov. As soon as he clocked me, he started being rude for no reason and said something about knowing where I live or some shit like that. I just ignored him at the time, cause I thought he was drunk or something but now that I think about it, it's pretty dodgy.
― Bonesetter
Theft is a side mission in S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat.
In order to get the mission, the player must have completed the Reputation mission.
After the player finds Snag at Yanov station, if the player goes to sleep or leaves and returns to Yanov, the player will find that their locker has been looted and Snag has disappeared again. Needless to say, the player must have at least one item stored in the locker for the theft to happen.
The player now has to find out who did the theft. The player can speak to most of the Yanov Station residents to find out more. Nitro and Shulga will both simply say such a thing wouldn't have happened in a Duty base, Loki will be sure it's not one of his men, Hawaiian will both say it's probably not Freedom nor Duty members. Strider will advise the player to speak to Bonesetter.
Bonesetter is effectively the only stalker inside the station to have a clue regarding the thief's identity. Bonesetter's dialogue and the following sequence of events depend on whether the mission Pripyat 1 has been completed or not.
Ah, that was me. Some idiots decided to get together by the tower... They had an argument or something, started shouting and shit. I fired off a couple MG rounds and they bolted towards the substation. That was it for the moron convention, hehe.
― Zulu
If Pripyat 1 has not been completed, then Bonesetter will mention that he's met a suspicious stalker being rude to him for no reason, and that he heard gunshots near Zulu's tower shortly afterwards. He then advises the player to talk to him to learn more. Zulu will then tell the player that he fired a couple of warning shots to break up an argument between two stalkers at the base of his tower and that both men ran off to the nearby Substation.
North-east. He probably went to the substation.
― Bonesetter
If the mission Pripyat 1 has been completed (making Zulu unavailable as he accompanies the player for the trip), Bonesetter will provide similar dialogue but immediately tell the player that the suspicious stalker headed towards the Substation. The player can ask about the suspicious stalker's identity, and he will reply he remembered his name was Snag.
Upon reaching the Substation, it turns out Snag was caught and wounded by Sultan's messenger. The player can let the Bandit go, or insult him (and he will become hostile). The player can then either kill Snag or rescue him. If the player heals him, he will tell the player where he hid the player's stuff. If the player kills him, the location is given when the player takes Snag's PDA.
Either way, the entrance to the station's underground opens behind the building. Inside is a locker that will contain all of the player's stolen gear as well as some other random supplies.
There is no reward for completing the mission, although it is the only way to recover what was stolen from the player. The Sultan's messenger's PDA as well as Snag's PDA can be sold to Owl, for 500 RU and 200 RU, respectively. The locker that contains the player's stolen gear will also contain things that was in the Unreachable Stash and Snag took during conversation in Skadovsk and some random loot, which may be a low-tier weapon like the Viper 5, middle-tier suit (up to Berill-5M armoured suit) or other random items like ammunition or medicines.
The messenger also holds a Black Kite that can be picked up after killing him.
- If the player gives Snag a medkit and lets him live, he will return to Yanov station where he will remain for the rest of the game. He doesn't have any further dialogue options, and will simply thank the player for rescuing him and letting him go.
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The area around Jupiter |
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Pripyat 1 underpass |
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