S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Wiki
The subject of this article appears in S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat.

Major Kovalsky here. You'd better get back here, we need to prepare for possible attack. Bastards won't catch us with our pants down this time.
― Colonel Kovalsky

Unknown is a main mission in S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat.


After the Radio interference mission has been completed, the player is debriefed by Kovalsky about his communication with HQ. They are interrupted by Lieuternant Kirillov who has spotted an encrypted, unidentified radio signal near the base. The player sets out to investigate.

The initial coordinates of the signal are near the Apartment Complex - the bodies of Jackal and/or Serbin will still be here if the player killed them during the One Shot mission. However, as the player gets there, the signal shifts to a new location; it looks like it was underground, and now it's moving fast towards the Laundromat. At that point, Kovalsky orders the player back to base, fearing this is a Monolith attack.

Degtyarev, Kovalsky and Kirillov stand with their weapons drawn at the Laundromat's entrance, determined to defend it. As an emission begins, a sole stalker approaches the gate. He offers information that will help the Military take over the Zone and destroy it. His name is Strelok. Degtyarev suggests everyone retreats into the Laundromat to talk during the emission, which begins the final mission, Evacuation.


  • This is the last time the player can leave the Laundromat before the final mission.
  • The mission in itself has little substance and mostly serves as an intro to the reappearance of Strelok, as well as the final cutscenes. However, one can take advantage of this last ride in Pripyat, to get to the River Port and Prometheus Movie Theater and sweep any Monolith (usually small groups, provided that the player has already taken out the main force) the player can find there, to lessen their number in the final battle. It is possible to do so both before and after investigating the mysterious signal. The game will continue to spawn Monolith at the River Port until the end, but it's better having 10-15 less of them to face during the battle at Cinema square. Note, however, that it is best to have wiped out the main force earlier in the game and only deal with respawns this last moment before the finale. If the player hasn't already been to the River Port, be prepared for a heavy fight with upwards of 20 well armed and experienced Monolith and Zombies, plus the Monolith Fighter.