It's shameful that our brotherhood has allowed this scum to dominate the Zone and dominate us. They even have a concentration camp, where the biggest offenders are sent. There you must dig through radioactive waste in exchange for food.
― Loners
The Vehicle graveyard, also referred to as Concentration camp, is a location in the Garbage featured in S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl and S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Clear Sky.
Following the disastrous explosion at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant in 1986, many emergency, military, and civilian vehicles were used in containing the disaster and radioactive fallout. Their service has earned them a doubtful reward: forever rusting in a scrapyard, as they were irradiated during the cleanup operation.
Shortly after the crisis was contained, these vehicles became prey to scavengers, who sought spare parts and scrap metal to sell on the market. Their situation did not improve when the Zone was born - the scrapyard attracted anomalies and became a deathtrap for the unwary, although a tempting one, since artifacts have a tendency to appear in and around the scrapyard.
The graveyard is a rectangular plot of land, surrounded from all sides by a barbed wire fence (with large holes) and filled with derelict vehicles, ranging from trucks, through buses to three Mi-24 Hinds. To the north lies a massive pile of irradiated dirt and debris removed from the nuclear power plant after the 1986 disaster, while the road cutting through the Garbage lies to the east. To the south lie small hills, offering cover, while to the west is a grass field and anomalies. Lots of them.
Shadow of Chernobyl[]
In Shadow of Chernobyl, the graveyard is home to a small group of stalkers led by Bes. Bes and his men are under constant pressure from Vasya Boar and his Bandits. When the player first visits the Garbage, Bes asks them to help him and his men fight off the Bandits at the graveyard.
Defending it is rather simple - the majority of the bandits flank along Bes' right side, and this is usually the best place to cover, as the three AI Stalkers do not cover it themselves. The bandit in the black trenchcoat is the leader, and killing him completes a quest for Sidorovich. Later in the game, a horde of Pseudodog mutants swarms the scrapyard, at the same time as the Loners move off to the bandit camp further back.
Clear Sky[]

The vehicles rotting in the graveyard.
As part of the Bandits' plan to excavate the Garbage for hidden treasure, an improvised prison camp was setup to house the captured Loners they used to search through two of the smaller anomaly fields in the area.
A small burner anomaly field sits in the southeast corner of the scrapyard, while the rest is noticeably high in radiation and ambient temperature, with a field of Springboard anomalies protecting the Western approach. Despite this, anywhere from three to seven Loners can be imprisoned here against their will, held as hostages by the Bandit guards at the onset of the faction war.
Early on in the game, if the player has sided with the Loners and Father Valerian, the guards of the concentration camp will likely respond to the disturbances caused at the two entrances. If not, the player must move with some care if they wish to avoid disturbing the guards and risking the lives of the hostages. The player usually cannot approach the guards or the hostages even if they are neutral - the Bandits there will open fire once they tread into the restricted area.
If the player does not kill the guards themselves, Wild Napr eventually gives a quest to launch an assault on the concentration camp. Even if the player doesn't do it themselves, the Loners will eventually take care of it on their own, though the attack might cost them several hostages.
Attacking the encampment is rather straightforward. Flanking and sometimes using the pile of garbage to the north to snipe them off is likely the safest route, but requires a suit with high rad protection and/or an anti-rad artifact.
After liberating the camp, one of the hostages (if enough survive) will give the coordinates to a weapons cache, and the Burner field in the southeast and the Springboard field at the western end tend to spawn various artifacts. The location is part of the Loners vs Bandits faction war, and either faction will end up asserting control over it.
Due to a bug, hostages can become hostile if the player doesn't kill every Bandit in the area. After killing them, they become again neutral or friendly. Further, if the player stands too close to a hostage while the Bandits are still alive, they will sometimes stand, throw a punch at the player, and take their currently held weapon.
It appears that between the events of Clear Sky and Shadow of Chernobyl, most of the anomalies in the area disappeared, perhaps as a result of the emission that happens at the end of the game.
Shadow of Chernobyl[]

Search map
The crates on the high watch tower contain a thousand 9x19mm PB1s rounds, which comes down if the player shoots the crates from below. One can also use a grenade to scatter most of the ammunition around if not all boxes can be destroyed.
In the small cabin near the watchtower, one can find useful loot such as Medkits, 5.45x39mm ammunition and Bandages.
Hidden in the trailer (easternmost truck near the fence) is a Silencer. The player has to do a sprint jump to get in though. The truck is the one with the covered trailer, and the silencer is in a blue smashable loot box under the ramp.
Bes also holds a unique weapon, the Akm 74/2U Special.
The following stashes are found in this location:
- Secret stash in the car
- Stalker's backpack in the bus
- Supplies in the chest
- Storage in the scrap metal yard is nearby.
Clear Sky[]
The following stashes are found in this location:
- Stash at junkyard
- Hole inside log
- Bellmouth of pipe