S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Wiki
The subject of this article appears in S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat.

Not much is known about these parts. Garry's stories, mostly. He says there's a place here where a huge grapevine grows out of an acid anomaly, as tall as a ten-story building. He might be pulling our leg, but I'd check out that vine for artifacts just in case.
― Loners' description

The Vine is an anomaly in Pripyat featured in S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat.


Located in the northern part of Pripyat, south to the River Port, the Vine is a tall mutated vine that grown in the courtyard between two apartment buildings. The ground and the crater where the vine grows is full of gas anomalies, and a unique Gas Cloud can be seen floating atop the vine. The anomaly spawns uncommon/rare artifacts.

The anomaly commonly spawns Meat Chunks and Koloboks. As well, there are slight chances for a Kolobok or a Firefly to spawn inside the apartment (in order for the Veles/Svarog detector to detect the Firefly, the player must be high enough). The Firefly is a default spawn there.

Random Loners, Mercenaries and often Zombified Stalkers can be found around the anomaly. As well, there is a Monolith sniper atop the northern building during the mission Evacuation.


  • Stash containing a RP-74 with 200 rounds of 7.62x54mm PP; next to a couch in the corner of an apartment at the top floor of the northern building. Gaining access to this location requires the player to climb up the Vine and get past the extremely damaging Gas Cloud on the way there. This might require the use of antidotes to minimize the damage.



  • Occasionally, artifacts will spawn inside the apartment rather than around the crater, although this is a rare occurrence.
  • The Vine, like the Volcano, does not have a map marker. It is, however, one of the locations where squad leaders can guide the player to.