S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Wiki
The subject of this article appears in S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2: Heart of Chornobyl.

The Ward is a government-controlled paramilitary faction introduced in S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2: Heart of Chornobyl. The Ward controls multiple strategic points in the Zone, boasting military-grade equipment that underscores their reputation as a formidable and well-organized force.


Ward is considered the armed branch of SIRCAA, attempting to control the zone. They receive government funding which shows in their armored vehicles and equipment. The Ward is particularly infamous among loners for its heavy-handed approach: When it occupied the chemical plant, any stalkers using it as a base were ordered to vacate the premises within 15 minutes. Afterwards, Korshunov had everyone who refused to leave executed.[1]



Ward is tolerated by stalkers, but relations between the factions have been soured by the Ward's early attempts to establish itself in the Zone, which led to numerous stalker casualties. As such, many stalkers don't think twice about killing Wardens.[2]

Most other factions have been forced to begrudgingly accept the Wards dominance of the zone outside of Pripyat. But alot of members of these factions are patiently waiting for the Ward to be weakened to strike back at them. While certain groups will not hesitate at taking out ward soldiers if they believe they will not get caught.



  1. Skif: "Why do you hate the Ward so much? Not everybody’s capable of killing an unarmed person."
    Squint: "Those bastards sure are. I used to have a group, back before Richter. We had a proper base… a good, solid place. At the Chemical Plant."
    Skif: "Well?"
    Squint: "Right, you’re green… When the Ward took over the Chemical Plant, they didn’t beat around the bush. Gave us fifteen minutes to grab our stuff and get out. Anyone who didn’t make it caught a bullet. Armed or not. So I don’t have any pity for those assholes. Not now, not ever."
  2. Skif: "Was it you who attacked them near the Old Bridge at night? Why?"
    Squint: "At night? Nope, I found the bastards at dawn. One was almost dead, so I finished him off. You should’ve seen those assholes pushing us around a couple years back… So many good stalkers had to die because those bastards wanted to show everyone who’s the boss in the Zone. A blind dog’s got more humanity than any Warden! So, an eye for a fucking eye."