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The subject of this article appears in S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat.

Well... Yanov station is worth a visit if you've haven't been there before. It's a good place to grab a cold one and catch up with other stalkers, plus it's the only other safe place besides our bunker in these parts.

Yanov station, simply referred to as Yanov (Янов) or Yaniv[N 1] (Янів), is a location in the area around Jupiter in S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat. Like the Skadovsk in Zaton, the station is Jupiter's central hub.


The central railway station of Jupiter is comprised of a single station building with multiple surrounding facilities such as storage area and train hangars, alongside adjacent railway tracks. The station itself is comprised of multiple rooms, the central hallway having been converted into a bar while Hawaiian has set up store in the hallway's ticket booth. The northern half of the station is home to Freedom stalkers (including the local leader, Loki), while the southern half is home to Duty and their leader, Shulga. Loners may be found at both halves of the station. It also includes a basement area, where the player may sleep or store items in their personal footlocker.

To the immediate northeast of the station is a single tower where Zulu resides. The nearby railway tracks are comprised of various abandoned trains and carriages. Mutants may be encountered in the vicinity of the station, although rarely. There are also usually two stalkers patrolling around the outside of the station building. The station may be entered from the central hallway, but there are also two smaller doors in the northern and southern halves that grant access to the building.

Like the Skadovsk, the player may not draw their weapons inside the station. Attacking non-hostile stalkers in the vicinity of Yanov will cause the station to go under lockdown during four hours and will also turn the station's guards hostile.


Yanov station was built in 1925 and served as a major freight and passenger hub for railway traffic in the area, especially towards Pripyat. The station was later abandoned in 1986 in the wake of the Chernobyl disaster.

The station remained abandoned until 2012, due to the Brain Scorcher blocking most routes to the center of the Zone. After Strelok shut down the Scorcher, a Freedom expedition led by Loki was quickly sent to Jupiter to gain a foothold in the area, and secured the station. However, it did not take long for their Duty counterparts led by Shulga to arrive, and a battle soon ensued. In the middle of the firefight, one of the Duty soldiers, Zulu, sensed an emission was about to hit. This forced both factions to cease fire and hide inside the station. When the emission subsided, both factions agreed to a truce, establishing the station as a permanent neutral area, while hostilities remained in the area around Jupiter.



Various warnings can be heard if the player is attempting to enter the station with a weapon drawn, or when attacking non-hostile stalkers in the vicinity of the station. The warnings may come from a radio message or the guards around the building.

Dialogue Audio

Slown down, chief. Put that shooter away first.

We don't allow weapons inside.

Stalker, if you want to enter, holster your weapon.

Put that gun away. This is a neutral area.

We're in the firing line as it is, stalker. If you don't put that weapon away, you're asking for trouble.

So long as there's a gun in your hand, you ain't getting in, you got that?

If the player attacks a non-hostile stalker near the station, the lockdown will be initiated and ended with the following messages:

Dialogue Audio

Attention all stalkers and anyone else who cares, Yanov station has been attacked! We've blocked all the entrances for the time being.

Attention all stalkers and anyone else who cares, Yanov is secure again. You're welcome to visit anytime.

Duty and Freedom[]

When visiting the station, Duty and Freedom stalkers in the central hallway may be exchanging taunts regarding various topics, usually related to the side quests completed by the player.

Duty dialogues and Freedom's responses
Dialogue Condition

Well, I propose a toast, to a brave squad of Duty men, sent to the frontlines for some serious green scum ass-kicking!

Yeah? Well, I seem to remember how your brave squad was on their knees, groveling for access to Yanov, before an emission.

Complete In Search of Magpie

Have I told you the story about Flint? First, he set up stalker hunters to get attacked by a chimera. Then, he left his partner to die in an anomaly. And then, he joined Freedom. I'd say that's a pretty logical conclusion right there. So, I say we drink to the hope that all members of Freedom follow his lead, and we'll take care of whoever's left.

Everyone's got one of those, but Duty's a real haven for hypocrites. "We'll protect the world from the Zone, right after we collect a few artifacts."

Complete In Search of Magpie by turning in Flint to Duty

Let's drink to the fact that even in the center of the Zone, there are people willing to serve Duty. To our new squad!

Good deal! Fanatics should stick with fanatics. You should wear Monolith uniforms too, else stalkers might actually confuse you for humans.

Complete Monolith survivors by having Strider recruited into Duty

I raise my glass to the fact that this research complex is now fully protected by Duty from mutants, anarchists, and other scum.

From mutants? You sure you'll have enough space in that bunker, when the mutants come out in force? It's not like it's the 100 Rads bar, you can't just hole up here and wait it out.

Complete Guarding the scientists by recruiting Duty

Fellas, let's drink to honor our brave volunteers who are taking readings in some of the Zone's most dangerous areas, for the good of our scientific progress.

If your volunteers drink as much as you do, I can only imagine the readings the scientists are getting.

Complete Research group by recruiting Duty

I propose a toast to Duty's fighters, who courageously fought off a cowardly attack made by those filthy punks.

Yeah, that's right. Bring in as many guards as you can. Now half the Zone knows about your equipment warehouse, so expect visistors.

Complete Duty warehouse by selling Morgan's PDA to Duty
Freedom dialogues and Duty's responses
Dialogue Condition

Boys, have you heard how Duty is sticking to its traditions? Take Warrant Officer Morgan: in following the strict need to maintain his faction's reputation, he felt it was his "duty" to sell off half his warehouse on the side.

He's dead already. And if it were up to me, I'd have all of you follow suit. Teach you to quit exporting the Zone's products outside driven by that same greed.

Complete Duty warehouse by selling Morgan's PDA to Freedom

Fall in! Remember, Duty's stalwart traditions were laid down by General Tachenko himself. He lied to his comrades, misled the HQ and bravely died in a space bubble. Here's to all members of Duty following his lead.

Nobody knows what really happened. It's not like you were there to see it.

Complete Duty History by selling General Tachenko's PDA to Freedom

You know, the first time I saw our new squad I asked them: "Fellows, would you prefer to join Duty instead? You're free to do as you like, after all." You know, they said to me: "No, thank you. With them it's all about the orders. To kill, primarily. No wonder their eyes are empty. We've had enough of zombies."

Is that a squad made up of Monolith people? Well, I hope you'll find yourself a bloodsucker squad too, 'cause once you do, the Lieutenant Colonel will definitely add you to the list of dangerous mutants.

Complete Monolith survivors by having Strider recruited into Freedom

A member of Duty came up to one of our people, got in the bunker and asked him, "Professor, could you tell me which artifact is best for fighting boars? Wrenched to protect you from radiation, or Eye to help you with wounds?" Do you know what the answer was? "Shell is what you need, son. If you see a boar, run back to your base as fast as you can." Ha!

Ha! Some guard you are. Just last year the Mercenaries had you running around the Dark Valley with your tail between your legs. Or have you forgotten?

Complete Guarding the scientists by recruiting Freedom

People, you know how the scientists came to choose our boys to take anomaly measurements? They actually went to see Shulga first and said to him: "There's a job that needs doing for the benefit of science." And he said: "No problem. Who do I have to execute?"

Yes, I can imagine the readings the scientists are getting. Air samples: 100% smoke, water samples: 100% vodka, and idiotic laughter on all sound frequencies.

Complete Research group by recruiting Freedom

With every day that goes by the need for Duty becomes clearer to me. I mean, who else would put together a whole warehouse of weapons and ammo, and then donate it to Freedom? It was really nice of them, wouldn't you say?

That's all right. We'll get our weapons back. You guys have developed a nifty habit of dropping weapons and artifacts whenever you run into our fighters. I don't blame you either. Can't be easy holding at it, what, with your pants shat and all.

Complete Duty warehouse by selling Morgan's PDA to Freedom and help Freedom defend the warehouse



  • Under normal circumstances, it is impossible to kill stalkers inside the station due to the no-weapons restriction. However, this can be circumvented by shooting the station's residents through the cracks on the metal sheets covering the windows, or the gap through the main doors. Needless to say, doing so will instantly trigger the station's lockdown.
  • Occasionally, mutants may spawn inside the station. Due to the station being a no-attack zone, they will not attack the player and simply make their way out of the station. However, a controller may spawn in the station, which will cause the player to continuously take psychic damage provided the mutant is in the vicinity, and it cannot be killed due to the no-weapons restriction.


  1. "Yaniv" (Ukrainian spelling of the name) is used in the English localization of the console version of the game.